Monday, November 28, 2011

Tender Action

I made a flier for the tenants union in San Francisco. They are calling for a day of actions with Occupy SF focused on the role banks play in the evictions of tenants. If you're in the San Francisco area I'd highly recommend that you attend. 1PM @ Civic Center in San Francisco.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Your Tattoo Has The Same Shitty Expression You Do

My roommate Jillian has been getting a bunch of fashion magazines in the mail and our house has been drawing on all of them. Hopefully we'll do something cool with all of them, our house needs more decorations. Here's my favorite one that I did.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Texture of Building Necked Sweaters

Pink hair lady up there is gel pen and ink on cardboard.

Straining neck cat is colored pencil, marker, ink and transparent label paper on some sort of thick paper that's probably intended for something other than what I used it for. I think it's supposed to be for patching up missing fur on cartoon dogs.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mistaking Mustard for Eye Drops

Food coloring, white out pen and black pen on cardboard. Dumb little thing.

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Softest Brain Ever

My dear friend and roommate, Shayna, drew the outline of this one and I filled it in. I think it took Shayna about 5 minutes to do her part (because she's quick and knows what she's doing) and it took me about 3-4 hours to do mine. Shayna totally rules.

Drew this on the back of my time card at work over the course of 3-4 weeks, 30 seconds at a time here and there starting with the "FAXED" stamp. Just kind of a sketch/scrap drawing. I haven't worked on any "serious" drawings for a while.

Also, I got really attached to this little thing I drew on a notepad at work.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Show Flier - 08/06/2011

Flier for an upcoming (awesome) show. White out pen on cardboard with clear label paper over it. I'm really excited about this one, every band is good and I absolutely love Deep Teens. Here's some links to the touring bands that are playing.


Echo Beds

Monday, June 6, 2011

Some Scraps, Sketches and Nonsense

This last one is for my new movie: Cyber Jurassic Park. It takes place on the internet. Dinosaur on the internet, I know, I know, it's really serious.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Show Flier - 5.22.2011

Flier for the last show at Stanford House. It's been selected by the U.S. Government for nuclear weapons testing. Gel pen, paper+glue and black Prismacolor pens. Prismacolor, if you're reading this, sponsor me and send me several boxes of free pens. They're expensive. Thanks.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

4/23/11 Show Flier

I'm playing a show next weekend with Primary Colors and Abiku, who are both great bands. I made this flier for the show. Go ahead and click on it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Track Pants, Leather Jacket, No Shirt. Welcome to the Future.

I drew this yesterday while avoiding finishing another, larger project. Sometimes I just don't feel like doing the part where I have to erase lines and clean stuff up. I was going to fill in the background, but then I decided to leave it "as is". Gold sharpie+gel pen+prismacolor black .005 pen on cardboard.

This was supposed to be my tour diary on this last West Coast tour, but I forgot the words and only ever drew this one thing. It was in a van that was moving, so it's all sloppy. Ballpoint pen and highlighter on notebook paper.

Another drawing I did while I was in the van. Slop city, but it's always interesting working with some sort of disadvantage like drawing in a moving vehicle. Pink gel pen+Prismacolor .01 black pen on cardboard with a hole in it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Could You Untie My Mouth?

Color, color color color. It's in the 6X6 sketchbook which is filling with color for some reason. For whatever reason it's the one sketchbook I always seem to add color to. I leave for tour in a couple weeks, looking forward to it.

I drew this and sent it out as a present. The "bookshelf" was a weird addition, but... yeah. I don't know.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

02/10/2011 Flier

This is a show next Thursday at Li Po Lounge in San Francisco. I'm playing as HRS/DYS which is my solo thing. Might have a name change coming up though. MILF Tornado, Never Ending Pasta Bowl From Olive Garden and Moist Sarcophagus are on the list of possible new band names.

Monday, January 17, 2011

It's Like Talking A Brick Wall

Communicating with this guy is so hard. It's like he's talking a brick wall sometimes. This little 6" X 6" square sketch pad has been pretty cool so far. I've run almost completely out of cardboard which is kind of a bummer. I need some more free notepads so I can rip the backs off of them. I also think I might keep all of the drawings in this sketchbook and then try to sell the sketchbook... I've never tried to sell any of my artwork before. I've given a lot of it away, I've traded stuff for it, but I can't remember getting any actual money. I think I might try that. So, once it's all filled up I'll try to think of how much it might be worth. I'll start tagging these ones as 6x6. I think I pulled out a couple pages... So, there's like 2 missing or something out of there. There's 9 pages now. Someone should trade me a new Korg KP3 for it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rolling The Space Glob Dice

This guy's a work guy, so it's scattered and sloppy and I used like 40 million different sizes of black pen, but it's pretty alright. Gray space chicken up there is rolling the space glob dice and the future of something depends on it but who knows what's really going to happen once that shit lands. It'll probably change the NFL somehow, some way.

I also added links to my friends over there on the right. Some of my friends, I have more, it's not a big deal or anything. I think maybe I'll make a post that kind of summarizes the links, because it looks real sloppy over there with those longish descriptions and they're all kinda... something? I don't know man. Yeah, maybe later today if I get some more work stuff finished. I've been drawing other junk too, I just have to finish it. Isn't it cool how I write like there's more than just like 5 of my friends looking at this page and we don't all know the same people? Ha. I think it's along the lines of "dressing for the job you want, not the job you have". Right? Ohhhh... and I think I'm going to make my compilation of me and my friends bands soon. I got a tape duplicator and 200 free tapes, so why not? Oh, look there's labels, I don't think I've ever used those. Let's give it a shot.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Meet Your New Dog People

This show's an early one, but it should be good. Stanford House is on Stanford between Market and San Pablo.

Here's GoldieMouth and the 3 hemorrhoid donuts. A little too sloppy, but finished.