Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Trial Sized Terror

Here are some tiny monsters that I made for the Swarm of Tiny Monsters art show which will be happening today at Multiple Threads in Berkeley. The show's from 6PM to 9PM and the address is 1820 Solano Ave, Berkeley, CA. You should come by and check it out! 



 Dr. Bathroom

 Eddie The Wizard



 Norman The Accuser

 Professor Chikn


Thursday, September 27, 2012

I Only Want To Climb The Corporate Ladder So I Can Go Down The Slide

So, I drew on my sketchbook, then in my sketchbook and then on a bunch of my time cards. I've been drawing that chicken guy down there for years and years. He's always throwing up and/or drunk though, and I really hope that he gets his act together. He used to wear a tie, as if he thought that maybe one day he would get back to work and set his life straight but that's been missing in recent drawings. I can only assume that means he's hit a rough patch and perhaps feels no connection to the old chicken he once was, a hard working, feathered fowl, pecking his way up the corporate ladder. I hope you get your tie back one day buddy. Maybe I'll draw it on next time, just to help you get back on your feet and remind you there's still hope for an imaginary chicken that I made up. Or maybe I'm just tired of drawing ties. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

An Invisible 74 Year Old Schizophrenic

I made it and now it's on the internet.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First Of Owls

It just kind of sounds like first of all. Here are some things I've drawn recently. Some of them will be up at a shop called Multiple Threads on Solano Ave in Berkeley. There's an opening party type of thing from 6-9PM tomorrow, August 15th. I'd be happy to see you there. It's the first time I've ever had my stuff up anywhere for any reason. I never really tried very hard to sell my art before this. I mostly just gave it to my friends. Not that it's actually that hard to make some art and drop it off at a place. I don't have frames, I realized this morning. Segues. Most adults presenting art have frames. I have pieces of cardboard with white out pen. At one point I realized that the label paper I used as part of a piece probably didn't have any sort of ability to hold anything for any amount of time. My solution was to melt it to the cardboard with a lighter. I have no idea how to plan anything. I spill glue on shit. I had a point somewhere. It's so far gone. Anyway, here's some shit I drew.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Celebrity Wolf Bagger

It's my new job. No, I don't know what it means. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Breaking News: I used detergent that I'm allergic to and now I'm all itchy and need to rewash all of my clothes. Help. Come to my house and do my laundry and I'll draw anything you want. I can't go back to the laundry place so soon, they'll suspect something. Wow, April? Let's go ahead and ignore that giant gap in between posts. I drew these two things. They're "sketches" in the way I categorize things, but you can call them anything you want. I won't be offended. I know I have other little things and knick-knacks laying around that I've done since my last post and I'll try to get them up on here in the next few days or something. I've mostly been drawing things for this art show (see the flier down there? Shayna made that, it's really cool). If you're in the bay area you should check it out. It's at Multiple Threads which is at 1820 Solano Ave in Berkeley. I'm really excited to see what Andy and Shayna will have up, they're both ridiculously talented. I hope to see you there!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Moldy Black Cotton Shelving

Tiny cardboard drawing. Probably like 4" X 2.5". Ink and white-out pen on cardboard.

I printed out this drawing that I did over a magazine in black and white on photo paper and then drew on it again. I think it came out pretty well and was really fun to draw.

Scratched at the back of my timecard with a regular Uni-Ball ink pen.

Really tiny and sloppy drawing. It's probably like 3" X 2". Gel pen and ink on cardboard.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Don't Talk Just Click Your Teeth

Over the weekend I scratched at this. I cut it out all crooked. Oops.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Handfuls Of Tiny Plastic

Buncha sketches and scraps. I drew Bart Simpson on that envelope up there.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I plan to update this more frequently. I've been scratching at this drawing for a bit, trying to make it look decent, trying new things. Ink, markers and white-out pen on cardboard.

Drawing on magazines is fun.

A lazy eyed collage. Cardboard taped to a magazine page I was doodling on.